According to national survey findings…
The general public wants to learn bleeding control techniques.
Many civilians have expressed interest in taking a bleeding control training course that would empower them to immediately assist victims of active shooter and other intentional mass casualty events at the point of wounding, according to results of a new national poll published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Furthermore, the vast majority of civilians support training and equipping police officers to perform severe bleeding control on victims as soon as possible rather than wait for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel to arrive on the scene. There’s also strong public support for putting bleeding control kits in public places where large crowds gather, similar to the way that automatic external defibrillators are now found in airports and shopping malls for use by responders who have undergone cardiopulmonary resuscitation training.

Credit and ownership and use of this material was granted by the author - with special thanks to the American College of Surgeons.
Bleeding Control Products & Accessories
MFASCO's Make a Kit Tool
Bleeding Control Kits
Emergency Supply Products
Additional Resources for Bleeding Control & Supplies
Stop the Bleed Booklet
What is Stop the Bleed?
Essential First Aid Kit Supply List