Welcome to the Stop the Bleed: Bleeding Control for the Injured information booklet. Injury results from a wide variety of causes, including accidents or intentional harm, and in a wide variety of locations, such as your home or workplace. It is important that as many people as possible survive their injuries if they sustain trauma.
Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. The greater the number of people who know how to control bleeding in an injured patient, the greater the chances of surviving that injury. You can help save a life by knowing how to stop bleeding if someone, including yourself, is injured.
In this booklet, you will learn the various ways to control bleeding, whether you only have your two hands to use or whether you have a full trauma first aid kit available to you.
Credit and ownership and use of this material was granted by the author - www.bleedingcontrol.org with special thanks to the American College of Surgeons.
Bleeding Control Products & Accessories
MFASCO's Make a Kit Tool
Bleeding Control Kits
Emergency Supply Products
Additional Resources for Bleeding Control & Supplies
What is Stop the Bleed?
Who Can Respond and Control Bleeding
Essential First Aid Kit Supply List