Supply List for Basic First Aid Kits
Why do I need a first aid kit? A basic first aid kit can be used to help reduce blood loss, infection, and future medical complications. Having a first aid kit on hand allows you to immediately treat injuries so the body can begin to heal. Everyone, including families, workers, teachers, campers, boaters, hikers, and travelers should keep a first aid kit close by to treat basic cuts, scrapes, burns, and other minor injuries.
What type of first aid kit do I need?When choosing which first aid kit is right for you, you first need to determine when and where it will be used and if there are environmental factors that should be considered. For example, a boating first aid kit should be waterproof but a home first aid kit can be a nylon bag or compact box. If you need a first aid kit for a business, it is important to select one that will be easily accessible for employees. When determining the right first aid kit for your use, consider how many people the first aid kit needs to treat and the possible injuries that are likely to occur. Select the kit with the appropriate first aid supplies to treat that number of people and injuries. If you're looking for a custom first aid kit to meet your demands, we can help you with that. Top 25 First Aid Kit ItemsEvery basic first aid kit should include the essential first aid supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts, scrapes, and burns. Depending on your use, you may want to include additional items that will treat possible injuries for your specific use including eye wash, cold packs, splints, CPR masks, gauze, and medicines. The following is a list of the basic first aid essentials that should be included in your first aid kit. - Bandaids - keeping different shapes and sizes of bandages is always a good idea.
- Sterile Gauze Pads - Gauze pads absorb blood and protect the wound from infection.
- Gauze Roll - Wrap and protect a gauze pad or wound area from infection.
- Non-Latex Gloves - Reduce exposure to blood and other bodily fluids.
- Large Pressure Bandage - A combination of thick gauze pads and gauze rolls to stop bleeding.
- Antiseptic Wipes - Antiseptic wipes, peroxide, and alcohol can all be used to clean wounds.
- Triple Antibiotic Ointment - Ointment used to help keep a wound site from getting infected.
- Eye Pads - Used to protect an injured eye and absorb drainage.
- Eye Wash - Sterile wash solutions are perfect to help rinse the eye or a wound site.
- CPR Shield - Barrier protects both victim and rescuer from bodily fluids during CPR.
- Tongue Depressors - Used for splinting or even applying ointments.
- Elastic Bandage - Used to help secure dressings, cold packs, wrap and protect an injured area.
- Triangular Bandage - Use as a sling, tourniquet or even to help splinting.
- Adhesive Tape - First aid or medical tape, holds gauze dressings and splinting material in place.
- Cold Packs - Instant, ready-to-use cold packs help control swelling, sprains, fractures, burns, and contusions.
- First Aid Book - Booklet offering pictures and instructions on how to give first aid.
- Scissors - Used to cut clothes, gauze, or other items when providing first aid.
- Thermometer - Used to determine body temperature. It is an inexpensive and handy diagnostic tool.
- Penlight - This mini flashlight is perfect for looking in ears or throats.
- Tweezers - Remove splinters from under the skin.
- Aspirin, Tylenol, or Motrin - Good for fever, swelling, pain, and headaches.
- Antihistamine Tablet - Used for allergic reactions from food, insect bites, and seasonal allergies.
- Anti-diarrhea Tablet - While traveling, consider including other meds like anti-diarrhea.
- Hydrocortisone - Treats skin irritations, redness and itchiness.
- Sting Swabs - Help provide relief from the discomfort of minor insect stings.
How do I restock my first aid kit?Use these five free helpful tools to maintain and restock your first aid kits and supplies at mfasco.com: - Refill This Kit - Every first aid kit we make can be refilled one item at a time. Go to the product page, select “Refill This Kit” and add the items you need to restock.
- RestockKit - People who have a workplace first aid kit can use this visual refill first aid kit. Simply point, click, and add to cart.
- Printable Checklist - Every first aid kit we make has a printable checklist. Find an existing first aid kit on our website similar to yours and print the checklist.
- Reorder List - This wish/saved list feature allows you to save kit refill items to a unique list, which you can then print as a checklist.
- Make A First Aid Kit - This free tool allows you to pick your own container and supplies, create your own custom first aid kit, print a checklist, or reorder with a few clicks of the mouse.

Where should I keep my first aid kit?Consider these thoughts when deciding where you should store your first aid kit: - Ensure the supplies are stored in a central location
- Everyone should know where the first aid kit is located
- Supplies should be easily accessible
- Every automobile should have a first aid kit
We're here to helpWe're available to help you find the right supplies for your first aid kits. If you have questions or need assistance refilling your first aid kit, give us a call at 800-221-9222 or visit our website at www.mfasco.com to use our free first aid kit refill tools. First Aid Products & Accessories MFASCO's Make a Kit Tool Complete First Aid Kit Refill Packs Reorder Lists for First Aid Kits Additional Resources for Reordering First Aid Kits & Supplies Top 8 First Aid Kit Types What is in a First Aid Kit? Essential First Aid Kit Supply List
Top Products  | Compact Marine First Aid Kit$35.29$30.00 Save14%
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|  | Medifirst Bandage First Aid Kit Refill Pack$27.72$23.96 Save13%
|  | OSHA/ANSI 2021 First Aid Kit Class A Refill Only$43.53$37.20 Save14%
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