Check out our wide variety of individually packaged, over-the- counter medications for all your medicine pills and topical needs. Save yourself a trip to the drug store and have everything delivered right to your front door. We carry a variety of medicines including pain relievers, antacids and sinus and allergy tablets packaged in bulk, unit dose, or travel sized. We also have creams and sprays for insect itch, muscle pain relief and arthritis anti-inflammatory medications, and so much more! Get the brand name products you trust such as Advil, Tylenol, and Motrin at wholesale prices!
Unit Dose Medications
MFASCO offers unit dose pain relievers, cold tablets, antacids, allergy relief and many other medicines that are safe and ready to use. Both name brand and money saving generic medications are available in pre-packed doses dispensed in convenient boxes that are clearly labeled with ingredients, directions and warnings. Great for dispensing at work or from first aid kits.