OSHA/ANSI Class A first aid kit supplies meet the most recent requirements of the Z308.1-2021 standard. This listing of first aid products contain all of the requirements needed to comply with the OSHA standard. Just check your existing workplace first aid kit against the product listings and reorder those supplies that are missing or expired. No need to buy in bulk or purchase large quantities. We made it simple for you to keep your first aid kits and cabinets up to date and in complete compliance!
Class A First Aid Kits
The Z308.1-2021 American National Standard (ANSI) for Minimum Requirements for workplace first aid kits provides a comprehensive standardized list of the first aid supplies that are to be included in all workplace first aid kits. This standard is what OSHA uses to determine if first aid kits in the workplace meet these minimum requirements. There are two classes of first aid kits, Class A & Class B.
Class A first aid kits are intended to provide a basic range of products to deal with most common types of injuries encountered in the workplace including; cuts & abrasions, minor burns and eye injuries. A workplace assessment should be conducted to determine if the supplies in a Class A first aid kit will treat injuries that occur in the workplace, if not additional supplies should be added or a Class B first aid kit would be required.
First aid kits should never be determined by the number of people in a work environment. First aid kits should be placed in near proximity of work being performed with first aid supplies being accessible within 3-4 minutes of hazards. In the event that first aid supplies cannot be accessed in that time frame, the workplace will require additional first aid kits to meet this requirement.